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[Shandong] four initiatives to create green transportation
[Shandong] four initiatives to create green transportation
Recently, the Shandong provincial Party Secretary Jiang Yikang, governor Guo Shuqing, vice governor Wang Shujian made instructions, requiring the provincial transportation department to earnestly implement the Ministry of transport minister Yang Chuantang on the development of green traffic in Shandong Province, the spirit of the work, the work of transport work carried out well, promote good.
Shandong province transportation system will deepen the understanding of the importance and urgency of green transportation, deepen the understanding of the requirements of the construction of green transportation, deepen the understanding of the development of innovation, to promote the creation of green transportation.
Before the end of this year, Shandong Province Department of transportation outstanding grasp the four tasks: Shandong highway and waterway transportation energy saving and emission reduction "45" planning to start; intends to draw the provincial government held a provincial creating green transportation province mobilization meeting, arrangements create tasks; implementation of supporting the local provincial transportation special funds for energy-saving emission reduction; transportation statistical monitoring research work carried out, develop green transportation related standards.
The above information is provided by the traffic signal light