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Light manufacturer detailed talk in the increasingly serious traffic on the road traffic lights
In recent years, the traffic signal lamp manufacturer about urban traffic congestion doubt one of the most headaches of the livelihood of the people question has become the common people. The government did a lot of efforts to ease traffic pressure, many cities in order to fix their launch vehicle is restricted, limited number, such as restrictions forced method dealing with traffic jam question. But now China's biggest spending and domestic demand is to buy a house and a car, now house prices high, vehicles will be restricted, purchase, domestic demand has affected the economic development. , the limit line policy for purchasing, in fact, although in the short term is useful to deal with traffic jams, but give people brought a lot of inconvenience. So that government progress traffic is dealt with from the following several aspects, dealing with traffic congestion question very well:
The traffic lights, vigorously carry out three-dimensional traffic, progress intelligent level.
Urban road congestion, a big reason is too much, the intersection traffic lights, some urban main road 500 meters have several traffic lights. Some stream of road, a lot of people on the sidewalk, caused the traffic very slow. Even less traffic, but also because of the red light is too much, traffic fast. In addition a lot of city traffic lights set is given priority to with static, not intelligent control according to the practice of traffic situations and road conditions, often a intersection traffic congestion, affect the whole road traffic.
To develop three-dimensional traffic, thus argues that the government build more pedestrian bridge, tunnel crossing the street, the viaduct, progress through reduce the amount of traffic light vehicle traffic speed. Implementation of intelligent traffic, together in the traffic control system, traffic signal control system, information release system on intelligent, according to the queue of each intersection and traffic condition, to calculate the optimal lighting scheme, control traffic light interval time. In turn left are too many queuing vehicles, traffic lights manufacturer can take the initiative to extend the left turn green light time, progress the efficiency of traffic as much as possible.